Thursday, July 9, 2009

Snowshoe Log: July 9

Another excellent day for touring around Hotham: crisp cold air keeping the surface firm, and clear air which lets you see for miles.

Today after a few cancellations from sickness - must be something going around Hotham this week ! we welcomed Kate and Jodie on their first snowshoe tour with us.

Here's Jodie and Kate having fun on Maclachans Shoulder. That's Marys Slide in the background.

Bracing, invigorating, just a couple of words to describe the feeling of snowshoeing in this lovely crisp clean cold air.

Snowshoeing in the mountains: a real mountain high!

Today we did an interesting tour around Hotham. After heading out to Loch, we skirted round past The Orchard
and along Spargos access, then ducked off down to Maclachans Shoulder.

After checking out theviews, we headed around to Spargos and One Tree Hill, where we bumped into a couple of telemark skiers: Mark and Dave, who kindly showed us their 'stuff' by skiing down the breakable crust of One Tree Hill.

Leaving One Tree, we headed off track to the top of the hill, from where we could see Derricks Hut as well as views of the Bogong High Plains.

After a quick breather to recuperate, we commenced the return jounrey, enjoying having the place all to ourselves early in the season.

We returned past Keoghs Bash to the top of The Ridge, and had a look at the 'extreme zone': The Ridge, Marys Slide, The Chute and Gotcha Ridge.

Extreme snowshoeing!

Above, Mary's Slide, the heart of Hotham's extreme terrain

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Hotham Central from Machlachans Shoulder.

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Walking guide, snowshoe guide, backcountry guide, skier, tour operator, business owner, photographer, searcher