Friday, July 3, 2009

Fresh Snowfalls Blanket Hotham!!

Over half a metre of fresh snow has blanketed Mt Hotham in the past 48 hours!

It's still snowing and should snow for at least another 3 days, so the resort and backcountry have been transformed into a winter wonderland.

This is great news for backcountry aficionados : while this snow will start to cover up most of the heath and rocks, we still need to let it form a base before conditions ripen for snowshoeing. Heading out too soon into fresh snow can be hard work as you sink below your knees in the soft snow. Good for skiing but hard work slugging along the ridgelines and snow plains.

Following this first real season dump, we need to wait for a melt freeze cycle to come into play. This will firm the snow up and give us a solid base.

Once we get another 30cm - 50cm on top of this new base we'll be set and heading out to Feathertop will be on!

We have a Feathertop tour booked for Monday but this is on weather hold. I'd also be suspicious of the snow conditions this soon after a dump - so I'll head out along the Razorback over the weekend and check the conditions for you.

Skiers thinking of checking out the backcountry steeps remember, the snowpack hasn't stabilised yet and avalanche danger is high off the Razorback and eastern aspect of Machinery Spur. I'll dig a pit when I get time to check the pack out more closely.

Enjoy your turns everyone and I'll see you out there!

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Walking guide, snowshoe guide, backcountry guide, skier, tour operator, business owner, photographer, searcher