Friday, October 9, 2009

Spot Satellite Messenger

We are excited to be an authorised retailer of Spot Satellite Messenger, the world's first satellite messenger. These are available for purchase through our website.

Spots are an amazing life saving device and if you head outdoors, or for that matter go anywhere remote, even if it's out of cell phone range in the car, you really should have a SPOT.

SPOTS do a few things really, really well.

1. They allow you to send an OK message via SMS or email to anyone on your pre-prepared contacts list ( up to 10 contacts). You hit OK and SPOT sends its message via satellite to your contacts, also sending them your GPS position and a link to where you are in Google Maps.

2. If you need non urgent HELP you hit the HELP button and this sends a pre-prepared message to your contacts telling them where you are (again GPS position and a link to Google Maps) and that you're OK but need their help. This lets you keep it 'in the family' so to speak. Nice.

3. IN EMERGENCIES: This is where SPOT really shines. If you really need to be rescued, you can hit the EMERGENCY button and this sends a message via email and SMS to the local authorities telling them you need HELP urgently. Of course the SPOT also sends them your position (GPS coordinates) and link to where you are right now in Google Maps and your SPOT keeps on sending this message every 5 minutes and till you hit cancel.

4. Live Satellite Tracking. SPOT allows your family and friends or business to follow your progress live, in real time, via satellite. Once you have set it up, your SPOT keeps sending out your location (GPS coordinates) and your position in Google Maps, allowing your contacts to follow your progress and see where you are, right now.

This feature is incredibly useful, which is why SPOTS have proven so popular - not just with recreational users, but with schools, mining companies, fishermen, search and rescue services, farmers and any company who has workers working in remote areas.

Many companies now use SPOTS to fulfill their Remote Area Policy obligations as part of their OHS risk management strategy.

Soulfree Adventures has SPOTS availble RIGHT NOW at the LOW LOW price of AUD229.00.*

Furthermore, if you order one now & register before Nov 15, we will include 12 months free live satellite tracking (normally USD49.99 per year).


*registration fees apply

Cactus Climbing Equipment Clothing & Gear

A HUGE THANK YOU to our Kiwi friends at Cactus for allowing us to distribute & sell their awesome clothing and equipment through our website. We are huge Cactus fans and use their gear for all our guiding.

We're only too happy to sell the gear we use because we have no problems recommending it. We doubt if you can treat it any tougher than we do!

Cactus make rugged purpose built clothing & equipment for most outdoors pursuits.

Check out their range on the Soulfree Adventures website.

We proudly support Cactus ethical construction.

About Me

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Walking guide, snowshoe guide, backcountry guide, skier, tour operator, business owner, photographer, searcher